Dear All!
EFC-Workshop 2018: High Temperature Corrosion under Complex Conditions, Deposits and Salts: Towards Greener Energy
26 – 28 September 2018, DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Call for Papers; Extended Deadline of Paper Submission 30 April 2018
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The current motivation to reduce CO2-emmissions has driven the worldwide development of new technologies in energy conversion and transportation. Technologies such as oxy-fuel combustion, waste-incineration and biomass-fired power plants, concentrated solar power (CSP) plants or heat-storage units based on molten salts and ceramic granulate make high demands on materials, calling for new technologies and surface treatment.
Experts and young scientists with research interests in the high temperature corrosion of metallic materials and coatings in existing and emerging applications for greener energy conversion and transportation are invited to submit their contribution at ; the deadline for contributions is 30 April 2018.
The topics for oral and poster presentations may address but are not limited to experimental evaluation of corrosion kinetics, mechanistic understanding and modelling of corrosion processes and related degradation of material microstructures, using advanced analytical techniques for elucidating the complex corrosion phenomena including those induced by deposits and salts. All those interested in the workshop with or without a contribution are cordially invited to attend. The event continues the very successful series of EFC-workshops organised over the past two decades by Michael Schütze and Willem (Jo) Quadakkers.
As usual we offer the possibility to publish the papers presented at the workshop in a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal “Materials and Corrosion”.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the EFC-Workshop 2018 in Frankfurt!
PD Dr. Mathias Galetz Dr. Dmitry Naumenko Dr. Rolf Lenke
Dr. Rolf Lenke
Phone.: +49 69 7564-267
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