Megjelent az EFC áprilisi hírlevele

Issue April 2018
Dear Readers,

Welcome to the first EFC Newsletter of 2018.
This will be the last newsletter in the current format. From now on the print EFC newsletter will contain some advertising and will be published by SAS Nouvelle Page Communication and the e-newsletter format will change as well. Nevertheless, editorial control will remain with myself, Ruth Bingham and Ines Honndorf (DECHEMA).
As mentioned by our President in his letter below, this newsletter is sent out on Corrosion Awareness Day, an initiative of the World Corrosion Organisation (WCO). The WCO is presently experiencing a resurgence; it ran a session at the recent EUROCORR/20th ICC in Prague (see report) and will hopefully be high profile again in Cracow. A couple of other things of note in this issue: EUROCORRs are quite extensively reported in the front end of the journal Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology (CEST), something that started when it was published by the Institute of Materials with Paul McIntyre as Editor. For more information on this together with a summary of the reports of the Prague meeting see “Reporting on EUROCORR 2017”. Also, as a change from normal corrosion related matters, there is brief but interesting illustrated article on Corrosion and Art.

Anyway, I hope you find all the articles and news herein interesting and informative.

        In this issue:

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