Korróziós tanfolyamok a DECHEMA cégnél

In today’s competitive market, standing out among your peers and staying on top of new developments is crucial to advancing your career. A NACE corrosion course can launch a new career, broaden your area of expertise or be used as a refresher for any one element of your work. It can demonstrate your commitment to your profession, show continued mastery of your field and offer greater recognition and credibility from your peers, within your company or in today’s competitive job market.

NACE corrosion courses are designed for continued, career-long professional development and NACE credentials are the ultimate proof of competence in the corrosion industry and we look forward to seeing you in a career-building class this year.

DECHEMA e.V. is again offering the NACE corrosion courses in English in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 2018. Details of the year’s program are:

Start End Course
02.07.2018 06.07.2018 CP 1
13.08.2018 18.08.2018 CIP 1
20.08.2018 25.08.2018 CIP 2
22.10.2018 27.10.2018 CIP 1
29.10.2018 03.11.2018 CIP 2
05.11.2018 09.11.2018 CP 2

Register early to benefit from the advanced booking prices! Course details and prices can be found on the NACE website www.nace.org

CIP 1 covers the technical and practical fundamentals of coating inspection work. Students will be prepared to perform basic coating inspections using non-destructive techniques and instrumentation.
CIP 2 focuses on advanced inspection techniques and specialised application methods for both steel and non-steel substrates, including concrete using both non-destructive and destructive techniques.

CP 1 – Cathodic Protection Tester course provides both theoretical knowledge and practical techniques for testing and evaluating data to determine the effectiveness of both galvanic and impressed current CP systems and to gather design data.
CP 2 – Cathodic Protection Technician course provides intermediate-level training in both theoretical knowledge and practical techniques for testing and evaluating data to determine the effectiveness of both galvanic and impressed current CP systems and to gather design data.

Dr. Rick Durham
Informationssysteme und Datenbanken
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel. +49 69 7564-126
Fax +49 69 7564-418
E-Mail: rick.durham@dechema.de