Webversion here![]() EFC is striving to provide you with the best virtual ways of continuing the important exchange of information and discussion of developments in corrosion science and materials protection. The current webinar presents four very interesting talks from different nuclear corrosion research fields, which originally have been presented at the EUROCORR 2019 in Seville. Watch out for the second webinar in the series!European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Webinar by the Working Party Nuclear Corrosion Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 14:00 – 15:50 CESTChair: Stefan Ritter14:00Opening S. Ritter14:05 SiCf/SiC cladding for LWR: Assessment of flow accelerated corrosion M. Le Flem, B. Bourdiliau, F. Datcharry, M. Hélie, Ch. Lorrette14:30Stress corrosion testing of copper in near neutral sulfide solutions C. Taxén, Ch. Lilia14:55A study of stress corrosion cracking by high-speed atomic force microscopy S. Moore, R. Burrows, T. Martin, L. Picco, Th. Scott, O. Payton15:20Corrosion mechanisms of T91 (Fe-9Cr) steel in Pb-Bi eutectic alloy aided by thermodynamic calculations: Effect of oxygen S. Gossé, L. Martinelli, K. Ginestar15:45Closing remarks S. Ritter Click HERE to join the EFC Webinar free of charge! CONTACT: Roman Bender, roman.bender@dechema.de The statements and opinions expressed in the e-newsletter are those of the contributors and EFC assumes no responsibility for them. |